03 octobre 2006

moving in the right direction

two good things happened recently, two victories, in a sense. first, i met with the current writing center director and i'm now working with her more closely to get to know the writing center and the people working there so that i'm ready to take over next year. there's a lot of work that needs to be done and i've ordered a few books on writing centers because i'll need all the help i can get. the tutors seem nice and i'm excited to work with them more and more.

second, i decided that i really didn't like the way the class i teach is being taught (all sections have to teach exactly the same way)! next semester, only one section of this course will be taught and i've asked my boss if i could teach it instead of teaching another course as i was supposed to do. i explained my reasons (changing textbooks, problems with cheating, organisation of assignments, etc.) and my boss said ok. was supposed to teach only 1 class next semester and i don't know if i'll teach only this class or if i'll teach this class IN ADDITION to the other class i was supposed to teach, but i don't care much, i'm not terribly busy yet and it'll keep me busy during the long winter nights.

i feel a little better...

2 commentaires:

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I am wonderimg who will tell the 5 part time ladies, and how/what they will be told... I somehow have the feeling that it will have an impact on how they will react to the news....

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Usually the first year is not too busy for most assistant professors, simply because they are in a period of transition. I did not have any service responsibilities and only taught two courses last year. However, now I serve on two committees, which costs my a lot of time; I teach a mentoring course besides two regular courses; some graduate students start to seek me out for suggestions on their research projects; I am asked to design new pedagogical approaches for Writing in the Social Sciences, and … The department did not assign me those things because it wanted to protect me, to help me make a successful transition. But I am not new any more, so I have to take up more responsibilities. You need to take the opportunity to work on your publications and other things in your first year. More teaching and service expectations will come next year, I guess. More teaching and administrative experiences will soon lead you to teacher education too—mentoring is such a type.