21 décembre 2006


1. my book proposal has been accepted

2. i got a TESOL award for best proposal on NNEST/NEST issues for seattle's conference

3. i sent my big TQ article, cross your fingers

4. i have not started writing the book review i need to send in january

5. i will serve (starting in march) on the TESOL Publication committee for the next 3 years.

just shoot me.

02 décembre 2006


that's it, the semester's over, i taught my last course yesterday. this feels very good. i must grade papers, now, and meet with tons of students who have different questions, who must tell me about the book they read, who want to convince me to change their grades from an F to an A, who must take a test to be placed in different courses next semester... so, two more weeks on campus and then i'm really done. but not having to teach is a good start!

i had lunch with my chair on thursday. my only complaint was that i felt terribly isolated from the rest of the department because i'm the only one not doing literature. her only complaint was that i spoke too much and "during your first year, it's better to observe and listen"...

who cares. i'm almost on vacation :)